Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City Review

I was so looking forward to the movie...

Another Resident Evil movie! Since I have watched the previous few titles so I thought it might be more or less the same kind of vibe but I was wrong. 

In this film, we were shown Gill Valentine, Westor, Chris & Claire Redfield and Leon. (Ada appeared at the very end of the film for a few seconds.) I didn't play the games so I ain't sure how the actual characters are linked to each other in the game play. and seeing the creatures/monsters all over again, but something just feel missing.

The movie review:

The focus in the movie jumped from showing Claire Redfield's childhood at Racoon City and then back to the present and back and fro and also details on why the current Racoon City and a brief moment on why Claire Redfield was back in town. 

One third of the screen time gone and the movie was still on giving details about Racoon City, the reason for the team of four who ventured into the now-abandoned mansion which led to the reason why Claire and Leon headed to the mansion.

The monsters were game-like real and the way the "scare" moment was delivered, was also game-like than movie-action/horror.

This could be one of the very few movie where most of the main cast survived till end of movie. And even had the dead resurrected.

At the end of the movie, seemed like there might be a sequel to this... But I very much prefer Alice  adaption although she was created solely for the movie.


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