Amazed by the new smart plug nowadays...

It was many years back... that I bought very first smart plug was a bulky one which I got it from a bundle deal with a local telco. It was 5 years back and it was simply not so useful as the pricing stopped me from getting more sets. Also, I didn't have Google Home or Alexa etc.

After my previous encounter with bulky smart device, I stopped looking at smart plug until recently I came across smart plug from China.

By Chance...
 I came across the smart plug again while online shopping. I was amazed that smart plugs are now almost the same as normal plug in terms of size and everything else.

1. Size
The one I chanced upon was a squarish look and a circular one. I went for a round shaped plug for space saving. (As reviewer for the squarish design commented it blocked the on/off button of the socket)

2. App compatibily

The smart plug/smart socket extension both used Smart Life App. It was quite easy to set up, but the main hiccup was trying to ID the correct device as there were a few similar products listed.

Once configured, linking/syncing the device to Google Home was a breeze. Just go into the Google Home App and select the "Set up Device" and follow the instruction. Once done, just activated the power On/Off with Google Home by using the device name as the keyword.

For example, "Hello Google, Power On/Off 'DeviceName'."

So far so good, except once in a blue moon Google Home couldn't find the device. But nothing needs to be done. Just bear with it for a while(or a day) and repeat the voice instruction again and everything is all good.


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