"Thank you for coming"

Today, I went for yet another job interview. Although I have did my best from reading the company history, to understanding the job scope, to studying a new programming language, I still failed to get the job. Why? I guess that's because I wasn't ready enough as I wasn't able to answer majority of the questions that were given to me..

Maybe you might wonder how did I know the results?

At the end of the interview, I was told to wait. With such a request, I was happy, for I thought that maybe the next person to come into the room, would be the HR manager, or one who will discuss further about the job.

Five long minutes went by.. And finally someone came in... The person who stepped into the room was one of the interviewers. He stood just one step after entering the room, stretched out his hand and gave me a firm hand shake... and then he told me

"Thank you for coming."


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