Braised Chicken with Carrot, Potato and Onions

Braised Chicken with Carrot, Potato and Onions

a. 8 ~10 pcs small chicken drumlets

b. 2 tsps light soy sauce
c. 1 tsp seasame oil
d. 1 level tblsp sugar
e. a dash of black pepper
f. 3 potatoes
g. 1 carrot
h. 1 yellow onion
i. 1 leek
j. 2 cloves of garlic

Preparation Part 1: Marinate chicken

Step 1: Place chicken in a bowl.
Step 2: Combine the ingredient from label b. to e. with the chicken and mixed well.
Step 3: Using cling wrap, cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least an hour or over night (for better taste)

Preparation Part 2: Prepare the remaining ingredients

Step 4: Remove skin on the onion, potatoes and carrots and cut into desired shape. Rinse to remove any dirt.
Step 5: Rinse leek and sliced finely.
Step 6: Remove the skin on the garlic and chopped finely.

Cooking time

Step 7: Heat 1~2 tblsp oil in a pot
Step 8: Add in marinated chicken and stir fry till golden brown and remove from pot
Step 9: Using the same pot with medium heat, add in the another tblsp of oil and fry the garlic till golden brown.
Step 10: Add in potato and stir fry till cooked.
Step 11: Add in carrot and stir fry till cooked.
Step 12: Add in chicken, onion and leek and fill with water enough to cover at least 1/2 to 3/4 of the dish.
Step 13: When water started to boil, cover the pot with lid and reduce heat to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes

1. Leek is optional. Happened to have it in my fridge so I just added it in.
2. If using big size drumstick, might want to check if it is well-cooked during step 8. Alternatively, maybe can increase the simmer duration to 40 minutes in step 13 so that the meat will be tender and the inside is cooked completely.


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