Misc Shots (AGAIN)

My phototaking kaki not in SG! muahaha.. So I am posting misc shots that I have captured (again). Hope I didn't repost any pictures....

This shot was taken when I got my 50mm. I was trying out the manual focusing and took a trial shot. Turned out to be quite nice

The red mosqitoe in my kitchen! Wanted to kill it but in the end I forgot after taking a few shots of it... I hope it went out of my house

This lizard is so small that I didn't noticed it initially.. Luckily I didn't step on it..

After taking a number of snaps, it still stay at the same place...
I tried to force it to leave but it stayed put. So in the end, I can only try to NOT step on it.

See this small bottle with this transparent, small round thing? It will expand to the size of those in green and purple. Amazing? It will shrink back to it original size if you leave it in the open space and then grow once water is given

My advance Xmas gift... Finally managed to get a snap of it with the snowflake still moving....

My advance Xmas gift (2)... Actually I got 2 of it.. Cos my friend find it hard to decide which is nicer... and thus she bought 2

A gift to my sis... as she is a fan of kiki and lala


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