04-11-08 Special Thanks for the gifts

My Birthday Gift
Due to the lack of photos from my Fort Canning Trip, I played with my camera taking the pictures of the gifts which I have gotta from my colleagues. I still remembered clearly the day before my actual birthday, I fell on the staircase - injuring my wrist (in an attempt to reduce the impact of the fall) and my kneecap (which hit right into the edge of the staircase. One of my colleague even commented that he had never seen something so dented in his life which I didn't know to laugh or to cry.. muahahaha) Thus, on the actual day, I was at home (instead of work) recovering from my kneecap and wrist injury. So touched that someone remembered my birthday.. Thank you for the bear.. I still couldn't bear to unwrap it from the box

Gifts from overseas trip

No.. It's not me who went overseas.. (I want to go overseas...) These two gifts are from two of my colleagues went overseas during the Deevapali holiday.

My Farewell Gift


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