
I assembled yet another glass bottle with a 10 LEDs fairylight, a stalk of artificial lavender, assorted beads, 2 seashells, and decoration sands mixed with acrylic paint.

How I assembled them:

As I already has some silver acrylic paint settled at the bottom of the glass bottom, I added in some decoration sands which of course turned into silver color after mixing them together. After it dried up completely. Then I just proceed with the white beads to have a more even ground before dropping in the miscellaneous elements.

Color Theme:

Since I was already at a silver color tone, I went with some white, pink and red color theme (the faux pearl beads, star shaped decorations, crystals etc). The purple lavender seemed to stand out in this color theme.

For the LEDs:

I coiled the LED outside the bottle instead of inside. By wrapping it outside, I can get to easily place the LED in proportion. If I push it inside the bottle, it won’t be as nice because it wasn’t any easy task to place them to the position I required them.

Lights on


My original intention was to coat the interior of the glass bottle, leaving some areas untouched and insert the LED fairylight into the bottle to create a lamp which will cast a shadow pattern. BUT… I wasn’t skillful to do the painting and the bottle opening is not wide enough. So I gave up the idea which led to this impromptu glass bottle project.


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