Movie Review: Resident Evil 6: The Final Chapter

My review of the final installment: Resident Evil 6 (R.E.6): The Final Chapter

Spoilers Ahead! 

Thumbs up: 

Wrapping up the storyline: R.E.6 The Final Chapter worked hard to wrap up the story line than purely an adventure on the go action/effects movie.

Another side of Alice: Rather than showing Alice being good at fighting, a portion of the screen time was used on showing she is good with strategy.

Lee Joon Gi's short appearance but refreshing character: Lee Joon Gi stood out a lot. The only refreshing character which could be put to bigger use to bring more impact to the movie. His character certainly stood out among the many characters despite having minimal scene time.

Disappointment Factor 1: No action pack battle and replaced with narration
After years of waiting, the final movie is finally released. At the end of Resident Evil 5: Retribution, looked like a big battle between Alice and zombies + dragons? BUT at the start of Resident Evil 6: The Final Chapter only showed the end of the battle. (Sigh) Not surprised they chose to do it with a narration by Alice (which is the typical opening of R.E.) 

Disappointment Factor 2: Alice Identity (What about the previous red queen?)
When I saw the resemblance of Alice and the red queen, I suspected about Alice origin being the same person as the red queen. It would also explain why Alice could bond with the T-virus without becoming a zombie. BUT the kid which the red queen copied was featured in the R.E. Part 2 so I quickly dismissed the possibility. This is one part I am puzzled with. Does it mean that the kid in part 2 is just a clone or the entire part 2 movie was one of the Umbrella Corporation's simulated environment? 

Disappointment Factor 3: Budget for other scenes... perhaps?
I find the scenes where Isaac and Alice were predicting about their attacks on each other... initially nice.. but when it goes on to attempt 2 and 3 etc, it was too repetitive. 

Disappointment Factor 4: Weak in refreshing characters, the new assembled team didn't have much time to make an impression
1. The 48 hours restrictions to save mankind didn't gave Alice enough time to bond with the team except Claire Redfields (Ali Carter) and Abigail (Ruby Rose) .
2. Alice have yet another group of travelling companions BUT was killed off one by one, which saved much time for Alice to solve the mystery on the undercover identity.
3. Reprising her role as Claire Redfields (Ali Carter), it was fortunate Claire wasn't killed off but her character in this last chapter didn't seemed to bring bigger impact as compared the previous movies.
3. 2 of the rescued survivors from Umbrella corporation volunteered to join Alice in a pursue to the Hive. Seemed like they were up to something, BUT... they were just one of the first few to be killed.

The focus was upon Alice, Issac, Wesley and the Red Queen which seemed lacking in the WOW factor. Apart from the character showing themselves to be the original version of themselves, the clothes were new? the style was cool black BUT weak on the element to make me go WOW as these characters has been seen repeatedly in the R.E series.

Only for those seeking for a closure to the entire R.E. movies. Glad that they didn't save on the budget for the actions and effect and Alice is still portrayed by the Milla Jovovich.


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