Foodie Times: McDonald New Salted Egg Yolk Chicken Burger with Salt & Pepper Crab flavored Twister Fries and Banana Pie

Cost: $9 
- Salted Egg Yolk Chicken Burger 
- Salt & Pepper Crab flavored Twister Fries 
- Banana Pie 
- Coke 

Salted Egg Yolk Chicken Burger

Salted Egg Yolk Chicken Burger (Burger Bread View)

Salted Egg Yolk Chicken Burger (Salted Egg Yolk View)

By the time I get to eat it, the salted egg yolk was a bit dried up. The taste of the salted egg yolk was still surprisingly obvious (as I had the Manhattan Salted Egg Yolk Dory Fish and the salted egg yolk paste was quite flat). Chicken was crispy, plenty of vegetable, bread was bread. After the first few bites, I found it a bit too plain and I added in the MacDonald's Garlic Chilli Sauce. Although it tasted better but the salted egg yolk was covered up by the chilli. For those who prefer salted egg yolk, don't add in other sauce.

Salt & Pepper Crab flavoured Twister Fries 

Sorry, no photo as I was too focus on the burger and the banana pie. 

The twister fries always make my day (unless I got a packet of real cold or soggy fries)  I always give this a thumbsup. Just the lady who packed my meal forgot to give me the shaker bag so I can only dip the Fries with Salt & Pepper Crab powder instead of 'coating them'.  With the powder, the twister fries original taste was further enhanced. 

Banana Pie

For those who thought the banana pie is something towards our local snack, fried banana pisang goreng, please DON'T!

When I took the first bite, the crust, just like the apple pie, was crispy but the filling... Pardon my limited taste for banana but I thought it doesn't seemed like the pisang goreng banana taste. It's is nice fragrant and with small chunks of banana, BUT it is not what I have expected. 
I would choose to have the apple pie instead.

Go for the burger and the twister fries!!


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