Home Cook Chrysanthemum Tea

Recipe for Home Cook Chrysanthemum Tea:

- 50-70g dried tai-ju chrysanthemum flowers (胎菊)
- 1.5 litres of water
- 50g rock sugar


1. Prepare mandatory and optional ingredients. I didn't have any optional ingredients, so just the mandatory ones.       
2. In a small pot using medium heat, bring the water to a boil.
3. Once water starts boiling, add in rock sugar.
4. Switch to using low heat
5. Stir water consistently using soup ladle till sugar completely dissolved.
6. Once sugar completely dissolved, add in the chrysanthemums flowers.
7. Close pot with lid and immediately switch off the fire.
8. Let it simmer for at least an hour or longer. (I left it till the pot is slightly warm/around room temperature as I wanted to chill it in fridge.)
9. Remove flowers using a sieve and stored/served as required (I removed partially of it as the flowers looked nice.)

Optional Ingredients (For the optional ingredients, can add it/them in together during step 6.)

- Wolfberries (枸杞子/枸杞 - Gou Qi Zi/Gou Qi) - Nourish liver and kidney yin, supplement blood and essence, and improve vision.
          - Wash wolfberries with normal temperature water before use.

Honeysuckle Flower (金银花 - Jin Yin Hua) - Clear heat and remove toxicity, disperse wind-heat, clear summer-heat.

Liquorice (甘草 - Gan Cao) - Tonify qi of heart and spleen, dispel phlegm, relieve cough and dyspnea, relieve spasm and pain, clear heat and relieve toxicity, and harmonize property of medicine.

Note: The optional ingredients are advised by the Chinese medical store staffs. Please asked for their advice again. I have tried using them all and so far I am quite well.

Most of the ingredients can be found in local Chinese medical stores. Some even comes pre-packed.
For the Chrysanthemum flowers, there are a few variety to choose from. I prefer tai ju as the smell and fragrance is nice. Pricing for tai ju was around a pack for $4-$4.50. No longer have their packaging so not very sure how big pack it is...


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