Sample Store - It's the real deal

Joined this website for the sake of "try" as I received the flyer in my mailbox. "Try" because it's hard to get "freebies" for free.

For Sample store, there are 2 categories:
1. Free delivery for sponsored samples. It's the real deal as I did get the sample after a long wait. BUT... there is a limited range of products to select in this category (max of 4 samples for 1 delivery)
2. "Pay your own delivery" for the samples. This is a fixed delivery cost @ $5.99 SGD for max of 4 selected samples. In this category, there are quite a long to choose from. For me, this is good because I can get to choose if I wanted to "try" out the products but don't want to buy the full size product.

So if you are keen, here is the link to the website:

Start getting your free samples now!


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