CNY again, time for some baking... with my new electrical appliance in my kitchen... AIR FRYER! My microwave oven has been quite cranky (the plate doesn't rotate 90% of the time) so I tried using air fryer and it worked just fine! Air Fryer Setting - temperature @ 160C - timer set to 12 minutes This time round, I changed the recipe to Batch 1 : Ingredients a. 70g almond b. 20g pumpkin seeds c. 10g sunflower seeds d. 50g-70g florentine powder Batch 2: Ingredients a. 70g butter almond b. 20g pumpkin seeds c. 10g sunflower seeds d. 100g florentine powder Instruction: 1. In a large bowl, simply mixed almond, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds (ingredient a-c) and stir in florentine powder a tablespoon at a time for easier mixing. 2. Spread onto the air fryer baking tray. (Note: to line the baking tray with baking paper) 3. Set air fryer temperature to 160C and timer set to 12 minutes 4. Keep tabs on the almond florentine, once turn brown, it's time to re...