Japanese TV Drama Switch Girl Season 1 and 2
Synopsis and Cast "“Switch Girl!!” is a manga series by Aida Natsumi that currently runs in Shueisha’s magazine Margaret and has sold close to 5 million copies total. The story revolves around a high school student named Nika (Nishiuchi Mariya) who appears to be a stylish and fashionable girl at school, but that’s really a fake persona that she uses when she’s in public. At home, she “switches off” the facade and her returns to her true slovenly nature. Kiriyama Renn (26) plays the good-looking transfer student Arata, who is Nika’s love interest in the story. The drama series will begin airing on satellite channel Fuji TV TWO on December 24, which is Nishiuchi’s 18th birthday. -" Tokyography My review: Picked up this drama randomly ever since I stopped Japanese drama. And I like it! Enjoyable..watch at your own pace or watch it in one go, it's addictive. However, if you are not into comedy, pure leisure kind of drama, this might not be your cup of tea. As said in the...