Armed with my 50mm f/1.8 lens in my D40 Nikon body, I went around taking trial shots to get some proof of just how good this lens it. Due to being too embarrass to take picture when there is many people/in shopping mall, I made my way out of Suntec City and I saw the below. Trying to capture the whole thing within one shot was impossible due to my lens, so I actually stitch it and it just somehow look like a round board instead of the original rectangular shaped. It's just so amazing! Although I will get better (close up) of the flower if I have my 55-200mm, but 50mm is definitely excellent in capturing moving things! Just take a look at the below flower, it was actually moving due to wind! All I did was to focus and snap and here you go.. the flower is not OOF! If I was using 55-200mm lens, I doubt I will be able to get the same shot (okay, I know if we are looking @ macro, then that might not be the case) Another nice flower! After a couple of steps and turning to my left, I saw ...